Kaipara Oyster
- Specie:Crassostrea gigas
- Origin:Kaipara Harbour, New Zealand(NZ)
- Farmed: 18 to 24 months
- Average Size:2.75 inches
- Available:March through September

- Tides:Kaipara Harbour; strong currents and huge tidal flushes each day from the Tasman Sea.
- Bottom:Ancient drowned river valley bottom composed of sand and silt.

My passion for oysters started when I was a small boy. You could say it’s in my blood. I was born into a family-owned and operated oyster farm. My father is an acclaimed oyster farmer and the infrastructure we have laid down together will support many generations to come.
At university I studied winemaking and viticulture, which taught me to treasure New Zealand’s incomparable environment and the wondrous things it can produce if it’s treated with the respect and care it warrants. And when you think about it, good wine and good oysters are not worlds apart. Both need respectful farmers and appreciative audiences.
The rewards are immeasurable. Not a day passes when I’m not astounded by what we have achieved in Kaipara Harbour. You are about to enjoy the fruits of a pioneering oyster farm – one that has set new standards in aquaculture practices to create what I believe is the most sustainable and best-eating oyster you will ever have.
Come share with us the Kaipara experience, I’m certain you will enjoy it.
Dan Dollimore
Kaipara Oysters