To All Oysters

Tuxedo Oyster
Cascumpec Bay, Canada
Darker brown shells with alternating black and white stripes lend to the name Tuxedo. These tide-tumbled, northern PEI oysters are constantly jostled by the sea, which create beautiful, strong shells perfect for shucking.
Product Specifications
- Specie:Crassostrea virginica
- Origin:Cascumpec Bay, Canada(CAN)
- Farmed: 3-4 years
- Average Size:3.25"
- Available:
Flavor Profile
Delicate meats with good brine, slightly sweet notes, and a clean finish
Suggested Pairing:
Farmhouse Ale
Brine Intensity

Growout method
Floating culture
Site Details
- Tides:Cascumpec Bay / 10-foot tidal range, twice daily
- Bottom:Sandy
the Grower