To All Oysters

Marionport Oyster
Marion, MA
Wild Marionport oysters are one of the last truly wild oysters in our state. Many oysters that once had that "wild look," have since crossed with farmed oysters, losing their green, ribbed shells that their wild parents displayed so proudly (West Falmouth and Wild Onset immediately come to mind). Fun fact: this was the first oyster Pangea ever sold, so it has a special place in our hearts!
Product Specifications
- Specie:Crassostrea virginica
- Origin:Marion, MA(USA)
- Wild: 3 years
- Average Size:3.5 inches
- Available:November through March
Flavor Profile
Sharp brine with bouncy meats and an intense mineral finish
Suggested Pairing:
Pale ale
Brine Intensity

Growout method
Wild spat set on rocks. They thrive in this setting until fishermen pick them at low tide. Fisherman use hand rakes to harvest oysters and then place them in a floating basket to bring back to shore.
Site Details
- Tides:Buzzards Bay; medium-high tides from the Vineyard Sound
- Bottom:Rocky bottom with seaweed.
the Grower