Hearts Desire
- Specie:Crassostrea virginica
- Origin:Plymouth, MA(USA)
- Farmed: 18 to 24 months
- Average Size:2.75 inches
- Available:February

- Tides:White Flat, Plymouth Bay; 11 to 12-foot tides from Cape Cod Bay.
- Bottom:Mud, sand and silt.
Bear Tide Oysters is a family business founded on two basic principles; a passion for oysters and a desire to be the best. Seeing an opportunity to use better farming practices, consolidate several varied tidal exposure farms, and develop strategies to allow for consistent year-round deliveries, Bear Tide Oysters has emerged as a leader in the region. With nearly eight acres of farms, we are able to develop oysters utilizing varied grow methods as well as tidal locations. These practices have allowed us to develop unique and consistent flavor profiles while maximizing our farms capabilities. Equally important to best farming practices is a passion for oysters. From our family to yours, our care, attention to detail and pride in delivering you the best product on the market comes together with that passion. We love them as much as you do, and it shows!